功能描述 Functional description: 1,對中鉆孔,可生產(chǎn)55mm寬規(guī)格蜂巢簾;Centralized drilling,Can produce 55mm wide size honeycomb curtain; 2,可切110mm(窗簾展開約3米);The maximum cut is 110mm (the curtain is about 3 meters); 3, 光線對位,鉆孔精準;The light is aligned and the drilling is precise; 4,加硬切刀,切口平齊;Hard knife, the cut is flush;
效果展示 Effect display: 1,長度裁切精準,Accurate cutting length; 2,裁切面平整光滑,The cutting surface is smooth and smooth; 3,鉆孔干凈利索,perfect drilled。