宏旭 四孔植草磚模具 四孔植草磚模具使用方法
宏旭 四孔植草磚模具 四孔植草磚模具使用方法
宏旭 四孔植草磚模具 四孔植草磚模具使用方法
宏旭 四孔植草磚模具 四孔植草磚模具使用方法
宏旭 四孔植草磚模具 四孔植草磚模具使用方法
宏旭 四孔植草磚模具 四孔植草磚模具使用方法






聯(lián)系人 王總


發(fā)貨地 河北省保定市


手機(jī)掃碼 快速查看


品牌 宏旭
模具材質(zhì) 鋼模具
作用對(duì)象 混凝土
產(chǎn)地 保定
安裝方式 移動(dòng)式
加工能力 每天
加工設(shè)備數(shù)量 8888

四孔植草磚模具使用說(shuō)明主要是生產(chǎn)各類(lèi)形狀的植草磚預(yù)制塊,一般四孔植草磚模具的規(guī)格圍繞在250*250 300*300兩種樣式,這種簡(jiǎn)單、小巧的植草磚既方便工人生產(chǎn),也方便搬運(yùn),而且在鋪設(shè)過(guò)程中節(jié)省人工。四孔植草磚模具的功能是用來(lái)固定住混凝土的,使得所需要的混凝土預(yù)制塊能夠成型。所以植草磚塑料模具的生產(chǎn)便根據(jù)市場(chǎng)的需要而發(fā)展起來(lái)。


綠化專(zhuān)用四孔植草磚模具是結(jié)合周?chē)渌木G化物設(shè)計(jì)的,為的是在使用四孔植草磚模具后同其他的氯化物相適應(yīng),而且植草磚目前除了模具使用外,使用植草磚成型機(jī)生產(chǎn)的也非常多。四孔植草磚模具非常小的塑料模具,一個(gè)模具大概就是5-8塊錢(qián)左右,稍微大點(diǎn)的十幾塊錢(qián)一個(gè),所以看工程量需要預(yù)制的混凝土植草磚數(shù)量多少,如果數(shù)量龐大的話(huà),長(zhǎng)期生產(chǎn)則定制植草磚成型機(jī),如果數(shù)量不多,有工期限制,而且做完這個(gè)工程換別的工程了,買(mǎi)模具是比較合適的了,同樣模具也可以回收。The instructions for the use of the four hole grass planting brick mold are mainly to produce various shapes of grass planting brick precast blocks. Generally, the specifications of the four hole grass planting brick mold are around 250 * 250 300 * 300. This simple and small grass planting brick is not only convenient for the production of workers, but also convenient for handling, and saves labor in the laying process. The function of the four hole grass planting brick mold is to fix the concrete, so that the required precast concrete blocks can be formed. Therefore, the production of straw brick plastic mold is developed according to the needs of the market.

The concrete patterns of four hole grass planting brick mold are: middle hole grass planting brick, nine hole grass planting brick, four hole grass planting brick, well shaped grass planting brick, etc., which are common types. The development of grass planting brick has effectively replaced the concrete structure without style and simple structure in the past, and is also convenient for the needs of urban management and highway construction.

The special four hole grass planting brick mold for greening is designed in combination with other surrounding greening objects, so as to adapt to other chlorides after using the four hole grass planting brick mold. Besides the mold, the grass planting brick molding machine is also used to produce a lot of grass planting bricks. Four hole grass planting brick mold is a very small plastic mold, one mold is about 5-8 yuan, a little bit more than 10 yuan, so it depends on the quantity of prefabricated concrete grass planting bricks. If the quantity is large, the long-term production will customize the grass planting brick molding machine. If the quantity is not large, there is a time limit, and after the project is completed, change to another project, buy Mold is more suitable, the same mold can also be recycled.

公司名稱(chēng) 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
聯(lián)系賣(mài)家 王總
手機(jī) 祺祴祲祷祷祵祹祹祴祹祹
地址 河北省保定市