上海游船租賃 新龍船包房?jī)r(jià)格 浦江游覽1號(hào) 游船包廳自助餐 包房用餐費(fèi)用
上海游船租賃 新龍船包房?jī)r(jià)格 浦江游覽1號(hào) 游船包廳自助餐 包房用餐費(fèi)用
上海游船租賃 新龍船包房?jī)r(jià)格 浦江游覽1號(hào) 游船包廳自助餐 包房用餐費(fèi)用
上海游船租賃 新龍船包房?jī)r(jià)格 浦江游覽1號(hào) 游船包廳自助餐 包房用餐費(fèi)用










聯(lián)系人 沈先生 經(jīng)理



發(fā)貨地 上海市


手機(jī)掃碼 快速查看


品牌 游船
產(chǎn)品特性 新龍船
產(chǎn)品 龍船包房
圓桌餐 4880元/桌
船費(fèi) 100元/位
包廳費(fèi)用 12000元/4桌


New dragon room table

浦江游覽1號(hào)“雙龍船” 4880元/桌(10人) Huangpu River Cruise 1 "Double Dragon boat " 3880 yuan / table (10 persons)


A  套 B  套
浦江精美八味碟 浦江精美八味碟
River exquisite eight Weidie   River exquisite eight Weidie

干燒大明蝦 黃油大明蝦
Wild prawns dry Wild prawns butter

清蒸深海多寶魚(yú) XO 醬焗肉蟹
Deep-sea fish, steamed turbot XO Baked crab sauce

金蒜粉絲扇貝皇 豆豉粉絲扇貝皇
Garlic Queen scallop fan Queen scallop lobster fan

蔥姜焗肉蟹 紅燜酥蹄
Congjiangjurou crab Hongmensuti

***香酥鴨 麒麟 火夾 桂魚(yú)
Hong crispy duck gold medal Kirin Fire folder mandarin fish

粵香黑椒牛仔粒 黑椒 菌菇 牛柳
Guangdong, Hong Pepper jeans tablets   Black Pepper Beef Mushroom

意式沙律海鮮卷 意式沙律海鮮卷
Study Italian seafood salad   Study Italian seafood salad  

八珍芋泥南瓜盅 一 品 香 酥 鴨
Bazhen yam in pumpkin A fragrant crisp duck

香菇扒時(shí)蔬 上  湯  時(shí)  蔬
Grilled vegetables mushrooms Vegetable soup

發(fā)財(cái)銀魚(yú)羹 一 品 海 皇 羹
Rich silver fish soup     Fat Caihaihuanggeng

上海三絲春卷 上海 三絲 春卷
Shanghai Spring Rolls three wire Shanghai Spring Rolls three wire 

白雪媚娘 特 色 腰 果 酥 
Milk glutinous rice    Crisp fruit characteristics of lumbar

桂花酒釀圓子 南 茸 小 湯 圓
Osmanthus BRANDIED Mariko South Velvet round little Tommy

時(shí)令水果拼盤(pán) 時(shí)令 水果 拼盤(pán)
Seasonal fruit platter    Seasonal fruit platter



Above, excluding drinks menu, plus 1 plus 388 yuan and 12 only.

Ruoyin seasonal changes, the menu may be slightly adjusted, please understand!

上船時(shí)間:17:30    航行時(shí)間:19:00—20:15
Embarkation time: 17:30 sailing time :19:00-20: 15

Boats up and down Address: Outside the road 307, near Fuxing East Road crossing.


浦江游覽1號(hào)“雙龍船” 5680元/桌(10人) Huangpu River Cruise 1 "Double Dragon boat " 4680 yuan / table (10 persons)



A  套 B  套
浦江精美八味碟 浦江精美八味碟
River exquisite eight Weidie River exquisite eight Weidie

黃油焗澳洲大龍蝦 上湯芝士焗龍蝦
Baked Australian lobster butter Lobster on the Tang Zhishi

粵式清蒸筍殼魚(yú) 粵式清蒸青石斑
Cantonese-style steamed bamboo shell fish Cantonese steamed green grouper

咸蛋黃焗肉蟹 八寶蒸香糯肉蟹
Bureau of salted egg yolk crab Eight Cephalostachyum crab steamed

金蒜粉絲小鮑魚(yú) 豉香粉絲小鮑魚(yú)
Garlic fans of small abalone Soy fan of small abalone in Hong

燒汁金菇肥牛卷 泰式酸辣杏仁雞
Teriyaki beef enoki mushroom roll Thai Hot and Sour Chicken Almond

意式沙律海鮮卷 ***黑椒牛仔骨
Study Italian seafood salad Gold beef ribs with black pepper

水晶一品蝦茸片 X O醬元貝鮑菇
Fairview Crystal knock a product X O per Beibao mushroom sauce

西芹爆炒螺片 港 式 小 炒 皇
Celery stir-fried conch slice    Small fry Wong Hong Kong

上湯娃娃菜 金 銀 蛋 時(shí) 蔬
Vegetable soup dolls Gold silver egg vegetables

薺菜黃魚(yú)羹(位上) 發(fā)財(cái)瑤柱四寶羹(位上)
Shepherd's Purse Huang Yu Geng (bit on) Scallop Sibao rich soup (bit on)

白雪媚娘 白  雪  媚  娘
Milk glutinous rice Milk glutinous rice

特色腰果酥 金 牌 叉 燒 酥
Crisp fruit characteristics of lumbar    Crisp cross burning gold medal

桂花細(xì)沙圓子 桂花 細(xì)沙 圓子
Osmanthus BRANDIED Mariko Osmanthus BRANDIED Mariko

時(shí)令水果拼盤(pán) 時(shí)令 水果 拼盤(pán)
Seasonal fruit platter Seasonal fruit platter


Above, excluding drinks menu, plus 1 plus 468 yuan and 12 only.

Ruoyin seasonal changes, the menu may be slightly adjusted, please understand!

上船時(shí)間:17:30    航行時(shí)間:19:00—20:15
Embarkation time: 17:30 sailing time :19:00-20: 15

Boats up and down Address: Outside the road 307, near Fuxing East Road crossing.


浦江游覽1號(hào)“雙龍船” 6880元/桌(10人) Huangpu River Cruise 1 "Double Dragon boat " 5880 yuan / table (10 persons)



A  套 B  套
浦江精美八味碟 浦江精美八味碟
River exquisite eight Weidie River exquisite eight Weidie

黃油芝士焗小青龍(人/半只)   黃油芝士大龍蝦
Huang Youzhi who baked a small Shi Huang Youzhi lobsters
dragon (human / half)

姜蔥焗膏蟹 X O 醬 焗 膏 蟹
Jiang Congjugaoxie Crab cream sauce Baked X O

雞汁花雕蒸鰣魚(yú) 粵式清蒸筍殼魚(yú)
Chicken Huadiao steamed shad Bureau of salted egg yolk crab

土耳其羊排 金蒜粉絲小鮑魚(yú)
Turkey sheep Pai Garlic fans of small abalone

一品蝦籽大烏參 ***黑椒牛仔骨
A large black reference materials   Gold beef ribs with black pepper
shrimp seed

豉香粉絲小鮑魚(yú) 香蕉杏仁明蝦筒
Soy fan of small abalone in Hong Drum of banana prawns almond

XO醬蘆筍爆螺片 泰式木瓜滑鱈魚(yú)
XO sauce Asparagus Snail Explosion Thai papaya slip cod

鮑汁魚(yú)面筋 一 品 香 酥 鴨
Fish noodles abalone juice bars A fragrant crisp duck

白灼廣東芥蘭 港 式 豉 油 芥 蘭
Guangdong kale boiled Lan Hong Kong-style mustard soy sauce

一品翅肚羹(人/盅) 龍蛋酸辣湯(人/盅)
A belly fin soup (people / cup)  Hot and sour soup egg (people / cup)

芝麻腰果酥 上海 三絲 春卷
Fruit crisp sesame waist Shanghai Spring Rolls three wire

白雪媚娘 白  雪  媚  娘
Milk glutinous rice Milk glutinous rice

南茸小湯園 南 茸 小 湯 園
Small Velvet Soup South Park Small Velvet Soup South Park

時(shí)令水果拼盤(pán) 時(shí)令 水果 拼盤(pán)
Seasonal fruit platter   Seasonal fruit platter


Above, excluding drinks menu, plus 1 plus588 yuan and 12 only.

Ruoyin seasonal changes, the menu may be slightly adjusted, please understand!

上船時(shí)間:17:30    航行時(shí)間:19:00—20:15
Embarkation time: 17:30 sailing time :19:00-20: 15

Boats up and down Address: Outside the road 307, near Fuxing East Road crossing.


浦江游覽1號(hào)“雙龍船” 6880元/桌(10人) Huangpu River Cruise 1 "Double Dragon boat " 6880 yuan / table (10 persons) 


River exquisite eight Weidie 

刺  身  雙  拼
Thorn body salmon scallops

Little Dragon Fan Garlic (person / half)

Butter Baked Crab soup

A stone pot wings (bit on)

Chicken Huadiao steamed shad

Teriyaki beef enoki mushroom roll

土 耳 其 羊 排
Turkey sheep Pai

Secret rich Conpoy pulp

Old Beijing roast duck (bread)

時(shí)  蔬  四  寶
Vegetables IV Po

鮮 奶 檸 檬 角
Fresh milk, lemon angle

揚(yáng)  子  甘  露
Yangzi nectar

上海 三絲 春卷
Shanghai Spring Rolls three wire

時(shí)令 水果 拼盤(pán)
Seasonal fruit platter

Above, excluding drinks menu, plus 1 plus 688 yuan and 12 only.

Ruoyin seasonal changes, the menu may be slightly adjusted, please understand!

上船時(shí)間:17:30    航行時(shí)間:19:00—20:15
Embarkation time: 17:30 sailing time :19:00-20: 15

Boats up and down Address: Outside the road 307, near Fuxing East Road crossing.

公司名稱 上海矢昂船舶服務(wù)有限公司
聯(lián)系賣(mài)家 沈先生 (QQ:2534180603)
電話 ῧῨῡ-ῤῨῨῡ῟῟῟ῠ
手機(jī) ῡῢῥῡῠ῟ῥῨῨῥῢ
地址 上海市