店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款
1. 增艷劑: 增加鮮艷度和手感.有水性跟油性之分
2. 防潑水劑: 增加防潑水效果,有水性跟油性之分,一般以油性效果較好.但味道較大.
3. 固色劑: 為增加耐色牢度,使不容易掉色,同時不影響絨毛原有的"書寫效果"(Writing effect, 也有人叫陰陽效果).
NS-615 | 固色劑Color fixator 適用于榔皮與牛巴哥的固色劑??稍黾幽蜕珗岳味?。 Nubuck and suede dye fixator. |
NS-617 | 防潑水劑Water-repellent agent 防潑水噴劑,可預防榔皮,牛巴哥,以及布鞋面在生產過程中被污垢沾染。建議在鞋面成型之前噴涂。 A water-repellent spray that protects suede, nubuck and clothe shoe uppers from soiling during manufacturing process. Spray before lasting stage is recommended. |
NS-618 | 油性增艷劑Solvent-based nourisher 油性增艷劑,可使牛巴克,反毛皮的顏色恢復到原先的鮮艷度與價值感,同時賦予鞋面極佳的手感。也可加染料水在里面進行該色處理或色差處理。 A solvent based color enhancer to refresh the color brightness and improve the hand feel. The liquid dye can be added to modify the color of the shoe upper. |
NS-619 | 水性增艷劑Water-based nourisher 水性增艷劑,對環(huán)境沒有污染,可使牛巴克,反毛皮的顏色恢復到原先的鮮艷度與價值感,同時賦予鞋面極佳的手感。 An aqueous based color enhancer to refresh the color brighteness and improve the hand feel. The liquid dye can be added to modify the color of the shoe upper. Environment friendly. |
♥格奧化工長期供應各種皮革護理產品,皮革保養(yǎng)產品,皮革護理套裝,皮革清潔劑,皮革手感劑,皮革涂飾劑,鞋材化工,鞋面修飾化工,鞋乳,鞋油,蠟水,防水劑等,全國廠價直銷,更多產品明細請點擊 http://www.geao.cc 歡迎咨詢詳談 13798030708彭小姐。